15 Best Foods To Burn Belly Fat

Foods to burn belly fat

Are you tired of belly fat? If yes, then consider adding these best foods to burn belly fat to your diet.

Do you want to get rid of your big belly?

According to reports, 1.9 billion people are fat all over the world, and most have excessive fat on belly. In Most people, belly fat accumulates because of different issues like poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, etc.

Excessive belly fat is not healthy. It causes a lot of health issues such as heart issues, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, pregnancy problems, etc.; that’s why it is important to get rid of belly fat.

But the question is, how to lose belly fat easily?

This article will guide you on what food items are effective in cutting belly fat.

The best foods to burn belly fat?

If you want a perfect body shape and want to eliminate belly fat quickly, add the following food items to your diet

1. Capsaicin

You can obtain capsaicin from chili pepper, curry powder, paprika, and red pepper flakes.

According to Melina B.jampolis, MD, internist board-certified physician nutrition specialist “Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory properties. It burns the fats, lowers stored fat, boosts up the metabolism, and decreases appetite.”

According to a study, Chili peppers and cayenne help in burning the fat almost 5 percent more as compared to other products.

2. Fortified orange juice

Have you ever tried fortified juices? Basically, fortified juices are those in which essential vitamins and minerals are induced to get the maximum benefit from them. According to a study, fortified orange juice is effective against belly fat because it contains sufficient vitamin d and calcium.

A plant-based dietitian Amy Gorin said, if you want a flat belly, drink fortified orange juice daily

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a common spice that we use in many dishes. People also drink cinnamon tea for weight loss.

According to a research report, cinnamon contains compounds that stop the accumulation of lipids in fat cells, so fat accumulation decreases on the belly when you eat a small amount of cinnamon.

4. Plum

foods to burn belly fat

The plum is a healthy fruit that contains phenolic compounds, which are effective in cutting fat. Additionally, the plum has a sufficient amount of pectin, which fights against liver fat and abdominal fat.

5. Flax seeds

Flaxseed contains omega-3 fatty acids, fibers, and lignan in it. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of lignin. These properties will assist with burning belly fat.

Research has proved that the men who use flaxseed regularly at breakfast shed more calories as compared to those who didn’t.

6. Cardamom

Cardamom is also known as the queen of spices. It is especially effective if you have a terrible diet. Cardamom fastens the metabolism and helps in the reduction of fat belly deposits.

According to research, the people who use cardamom gain less weight and have normal blood sugar and cholesterol level in the body. Cardamom also solves gut issues and exerts overall positive effects on health. It prevents clot formation.

7. Nuts

According to a study, if you take an ounce of nuts on a daily basis, it regulates your appetite. Thus it helps in not gaining extra weight. 2/3 of the calories present in walnuts, pistachios, and almonds are available in the body.

8. Broccoli

If you want to lose weight quickly, start consuming broccoli. Vegetables help in improving insulin sensitivity. Thus, it aids in burning fats. It also decreases the chances of type 2 diabetes.

9. Egg whites

Although eating a whole egg is good, nut egg whites are healthier as they contain fewer calories and fat.

According to Mackenzie Burgess, egg whites help in burning fats and decrease body fat. The egg patty contains 35 calories and 6grams of protein.

10. Cauliflower

burn belly fat with these foods

Cauliflower is one fat cutter food. It is low in calories and rich in nutrients and dietary fiber. The cauliflower helps to lose overall fat but is effective for the belly and lower body fat. Boiled cauliflower is the most effective.

11. Beans

Beans are a great source of dietary fiber, which helps to fend off belly fat. According to a study, a 10-gram increase in dietary fiber, in the diet decreases visceral fat quickly.

You can add any bean to your diet; almost all have sufficient dietary fiber. Cannellini beans are highly recommended if you want to lose belly fat and get a slim waist.

12. Apple

Apple is a healthy fruit that is rich in nutrients. It contains sufficient dietary fiber, flavonoids, and beta carotene. According to a study, apple flavonoids cut visceral fat. Additionally, it contains polyphenols that help to eliminate overall body fat. Metabolize fat without any side effects.

13. Watermelon

Watermelon is hydrating fruit and low in calories. Eating watermelon in a daily diet increases the arginine level in the body, which makes the body burn fatter. According to the American dietetic association, watermelon contains nutrients that melt belly fat effectively.

Additionally, in a study by the University of Kentucky, drinking two glasses of watermelon juice for eight weeks aid in losing fat, especially belly fat.

14. Tomato

Tomatoes are enriched in fibers and fat-burning amino acids. It poses a compound 9-oxoODA  that decreases the lipid level in the blood and controls belly fat. A study in the journal nutrition proved that women who drank two glasses of red tomato juice for eight weeks lost one-inch waist without following the allowed calorie diet.

15. Berries

burn belly fat with these foods

Berries contain phytonutrients like anthocyanin, which are known as fat burner compounds. A study by the University of Michigan showed that rats who took 2 percent of their diet calories from berries lost belly fat in 2 months.

The researchers further added that humans could get the same results after eating one cup of berries daily for two months.


It is a fact that most of us face stubborn belly fat issues, leading to many other health issues. Don’t ignore your belly fat, adopt healthy habits to get rid of this visceral fat.

A lot of the foods to burn belly fat are readily available in the market, such as capsicum, tomato, berries, watermelon, beans, cauliflowers, etc.  Add these 15 best foods to burn belly fat items in your diet and get rid of belly fat permanently.

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