Walking for weight loss

Does it work? I mean, walking for weight loss?

“Walking: the most ancient exercise and still is the best modern exercise.” Carrie Latet.

Walking is free, accessible to everyone, and does not have age restrictions.

Most of us spend time seated down due to work and technology. Well, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the weight-gain causes and many other illnesses that include high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, mortality, and migraines.

Walking can assist in alleviating these issues.

It works well when paired with weight loss drinks and healthy eating.

It is a low-impact form of exercise but efficient.  Also loaded with a vast of health benefits.

Let’s have a look at walking for weight loss health benefits:

Health benefits of walking

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  Edward Stanley

1. Weight loss

Walking will boost your metabolism, which will lead to burning more calories than usual. It also builds the body’s muscles, which will increase the number of calories burned.

Few things control the number of calories burned; they include the distance you walk, the speed you walk, and your body weight. The brisk walking will increase the calories you will burn.

Consistency is key so that you can be able to get the desired results.

2.  Sharpens the mind

Walking can boost brain power and how it functions. The cause might be the improved blood flow to the brain as you walk.

The study shows that walking has a positive impact on creative thinking. Creativity level increases even more when you are walking outside.

3.  Lower blood pressure

Walking is part of cardiovascular exercises.  It promotes the heart to pump blood easily and causes the blood vessels to be less stiff. This process helps the blood pressure to be low.

4.  Lower risk of heart diseases

 It has been proven that walking can lower heart disease risks and stroke.

 5.  Diabetes

After eating, it is important to take a walk because it will help to lower your blood sugar. As a result, it will reduce the risk of diabetes type 2.

When blood sugar is low, insulin becomes lower, making it easier for the body to burn fat.

6.  Lessens lower back pain

Walking for weight loss

Walking causes the muscles that support the spine to be stronger. These muscles become flexible as you keep on walking.  As a result, lower back stiffness and pain will get reduced.

7.  Fitness

Taking a 30 minutes walk or more per day for about three to five times a week can improve your fitness level. It will boost your energy.

 8.  Reduces depression

Walking can improve both physical and mental stress. It increases serotonin which is a chemical that controls mood.

It helps to lessen depression and anxiety. Your mood will become positive and boost your self-esteem.

 9.  Strengthens shoulders and legs

Walking can help to strengthen the leg muscles. To see more results, walk uphill and take the stairs if possible.

Incorporate the dumbbell when walking so that you can strengthen the shoulders. That will add weight to your body.

Basic preparations of walking for weight loss

  • Identify the walking route that you are going to use. It should be a walking designated area or cycling route. It is important to put safety into consideration, knowing the route will make you feel safer. 
  • Walking time will be determined by the maximum time you can walk, and then you increase it with time. Taking a 30 minutes walk is a good time to start with.   
  • Walking shoes should be light, not tight, be cushioned in a relaxed manner, and have a flexible sole.
  • Apply sunscreen regardless of the weather to protect your skin.
  • Avoid dehydration by drinking water. Take some water that you will drink along your walk.
  • Download an app or get a device (i.e. fitness tracker) that will keep a record of workout progress.
  • Compile your favorite playlist, motivational speaker, or even an audio course that you will listen to when you walk.

I prefer to meditate while walking. Choose what works for you. 

Walking for weight loss – (5 basic guidelines)


   1. Keep posture in check

The shoulders should be square and relaxed, the backbone straight up, and the chin up. This posture will improve your walking experience. Your breathing will feel different.

Allow your hands to move backward and forward. In that case, your whole body will be working out.

   2. What about pace?

When walking for weight loss, brisk walking is advisable. It will help you to lose more calories than when strolling.

To lose more weight, you can mix strolling and brisk walking pace. The dominating one should be brisk walking.

   3. Add uphill walking

Walking on an incline will strengthen your leg muscles and knees. It toughens the workout program. Meaning that it will increase the number of calories the body burns.               Walking for weight loss

Choose a route that has different surfaces to enhance your walk.

   4. Get a walking mate

Find someone to walk with, a friend, family member, colleague, or even your pet. You will have a good companion that will help you stay motivated and accountable.

   5. Smile

Put a smile on your face while walking, and smile at the people you meet along the way. It will increase your energy, boost your mood, and lowers your blood pressure. Smiling can boost your weight loss.

 What to do after walking for weight loss

  • It is very important to cool down when you are about finish your walking program. If you were doing brisk or power walking, slow down the pace and allow your body to relax.
  • Then stretch so that the body and the muscles can relax. Stretching helps to reduce the lactic acid that the body produces when you are working out.

Stretching after walk

  • Drink water to keep your body hydrated. I can’t stress this enough.

How many steps should you walk to lose weight?

You can tailor-make your walking program according to your fitness potential and ability.

Walking 10 000 steps per day, which counts to about plus/minus five miles, is advisable if you are walking for weight loss.

Don’t beat up yourself if you are unable to reach those steps. Remember that 1000 steps are better than not doing anything.

A simple 10 minutes walk per day is loaded with several health benefits.

Most effective and sustainable walking for weight loss styles

  1. Brisk Walking

The professionals suggest that brisk walking is a cardio exercise categorized as moderate intensity. When brisk walking, you can be able to talk but not sing. Alternatively, you can test your pace by speaking out loud, if you can shout, it means you are not walking fast enough.

Research has shown that brisk walking for about 10 minutes daily can increase life expectancy.

It is a good form of exercise to incorporate into your weight loss program.

  2. Power Walking

Power walking is a little faster than brisk walking. It is considered another option for jogging.

It is friendlier to the joints than jogging, and you can still lose the same amount of calories as someone who was jogging.

You should pump your arms backward and forward when you walk. The walking pace ranges from 4.5mph to 5.5mph.

Give it a try and improve your health and lose weight.


Walking for weight loss is overloaded with many other health benefits. It is a good form of cardio exercise to add to your weight loss program.

It is more efficient when you eat healthy food and take healthy drinks.

You can do it indoors or outdoors.

How many steps can you walk per day? Leave a comment below.

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