How to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy – 6 Ways

How to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy

There are tons of diets and weight loss programs out there. Weight loss is a journey and it needs a sustainable lifestyle. We are breaking down how to lose weight fast and healthy way.

Here we are looking at the healthy and stable ways of losing weight. These include moving your body, portion control, drinking water to aid weight loss, eating schedule, high protein breakfast, and vegetables, lastly; snacks, and sugary beverages.

Let’s dive in;




Physical exercise is healthy for both your mind and the body. Being inactive leads to a lack of energy and can cause heart disease, obesity, depression, and many more illnesses.

Spending 150 minutes per week being active can have a major positive impact on your body. To make that attainable, you can break it down to 30 minutes per day.

Exercise regulates weight- when engaging in physical activity you burn some calories. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. It can reduce your weight or maintain it.

This can be achieved without going to the gym. You can take a simple walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do simple exercises at home.

Remember that a small amount of activity is better than nothing and be consistent.

Once you get used to being active, your energy levels will increase. Your cardiovascular system and metabolism will improve.

You will also experience sound sleep. 

2. Portion control

Portion control is one of the best techniques to lose weight. It monitors how much of what you are eating when you do.   It can help you lose weight.

The whole idea is to understand what your body needs and provide exactly that.  Please bear in mind that this will depend on how active you are.

Below are the techniques to control the portion you are eating.
  • Use smaller plates. Using a smaller plate is the best thing you can do for yourself. It feels good and fulfilling to finish your plate. If you eat everything on your plate while using the smaller one, your calorie intake will be less. Your brain will be tricked and get the message that you are full.
  • Plate measure method.  You can use the simple way of controlling a serving portion without having to weigh the food.
  • Half the plate – fill it with vegetables, cooked or raw. If possible you can also divide this space into two so that you can add fruits
  • A quarter of the plate – let it be protein like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and legumes.
  • Second-quarter of the plate – fill it with carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, dried fruits, corn, brown rice, and cereals.
  • Measure your food. There are many different ways of measuring the portion you are going to eat. You can simply use your hand to measure the portion size.
Female Male

Poultry, fish, meat, tofu, legumes

1 palm-sized portion 2 palm-sized portion
Vegetables and Salads 1 fist-sized portion 2 fist-sized portion
High-fat foods

Butter, oils, nuts, etc.

1 thumb-sized portion (thumb tip= 1 teaspoon) 2 thump-sized portion

Starchy vegetables, grains, fruits

1 cupped hand portion 2 cupped hand portion

You can also measure the food while cooking at home by using measuring cups and a kitchen scale.

3. Drinking water to aid weight loss

Water is one of the most important things that the body needs to function properly. Drinking water first thing in the morning, on empty stomach, can help in the smooth movement of the bowels.  It also helps with removing toxins. This helps with shedding a few lbs.

Drinking water can also suppress hunger. Many times feeling thirsty is mistaken for hunger.  Before grabbing something to eat it’s advisable to drink a glass of water first especially if you feel hungry immediately after eating.

When the stomach feels full it will send the message to the brain that it is full.

Taking a glass of water 30 minutes before meals can reduce overeating and control the calorie intake which may help in weight loss.

Remember not to take water immediately after eating or while you are eating. The reason is that it dilutes the juices that are accountable for digestion. It is called gastric acid.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking pure water at all times.

4. Eating schedule.

Creating an eating schedule can be helpful in a way that you will be knowing when to eat breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks. This will help to avoid overeating. You can even pre-pack these meals to make things easier.


5. High protein breakfast and vegetables

Protein is famous for building body mass and boosting metabolism. Protein is filling and thus keeps one full for a longer period. It reduces overeating and lowers calorie intake.

You can even replace carbohydrates and fat with protein to reduce the hunger hormone. This leads to a huge reduction in hunger and this is how protein helps you lose weight.

Both plants and animals can provide high-quality protein that is helpful for weight loss.

Just to mention a few, high-protein breakfasts include eggs, oats, tofu, chicken breast, sardines, lentils, and chia seed pudding. Just avoid too much-processed protein.

Below are some sources of healthy protein in general.

  • Plant-based protein-Legumes, quinoa, tofu
  • Meat– chicken, turkey, beef, mutton, lamb
  • Seafood and fish– trout, hake, shrimp

 Vegetables- make sure to always add vegetables and greens to your meals. They are filling and low in calories which will allow you to eat a bigger portion without any guilt.

Apart from that, they are nutritious. They also improve your metabolism.

These foods play a major role to help you lose weight fast and healthy.

6. Snacks and Sugary Beverages

Eating healthy snacks at scheduled times can aid in weight loss. Protein snacks like biltong, hard-boiled eggs, and turkey roll-ups will help you shed some pounds. You can include nuts, dark chocolate, and cucumber with hummus.

Avoid sugary beverages at all costs. People who drink sugary beverages do not feel full like the ones who had eaten the same calories in the form of solid food. Research indicates they also don’t compensate for the high caloric content of these beverages by eating less food. These sugary beverages provide so many calories and practically no other nutrients.

Unhealthy snacks and sugary beverages are the main hindrances if you want to lose weight fast and healthy.


“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” -Jim Rohn

Make a healthy choice today so that you can enjoy your slim and healthy body tomorrow.



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